Sleep problems are caused by both physical and mental factors that maintain the body’s state of alertness during sleep. High alertness makes it difficult to fall asleep and fall asleep, so it is important to calm your mind and body before going to bed.

Humans need sleep, including us mothers! Sleep is the basis for everything else in life. During peak years, situations and periods occur that reduce the quality and quantity of sleep or, in the worst case, prevent it altogether. Those challenging periods are exactly the moments when you should find time to sleep and take special care of your own well-being. Sounds like an impossible equation?

A change of attitude helps with sleep problems

The most significant help in solving sleep problems may be found in correcting your own attitude. It matters a lot what attitude you have when you face sleep problems. Is the pursuit of perfection and completing the endless to do list more important to you than your own well-being? Have you already given up and accepted that sleep problems are a normal part of your life? Or Do you think of sufficient sleep as the most important treasure that you cherish with all possible means?


Sleep problems rarely get better by talking, that’s why it’s important to change your own ways of doing things as well. When you’re tired, it’s difficult to deviate from your usual ways or to see alternatives to the situation at all. Sleep problems affect the day’s activities, and on the other hand, the day’s activities may cause sleep problems. The squirrel wheel should be broken as soon as possible.

  • Change the order of importance and always put sleep first. There is always time in life for things that are important to us, even in the midst of rush and peak years. So, from sleeping, create such a life value for yourself that you consider particularly important.
  • Learn to ask and receive help. It’s worth investing in this, even though it may seem foreign at first. Asking for help is not a failure, it is courage.
  • Calm your mind. Mental well-being is easily reflected in sleep. Sort out the things that bother your mind and focus on the good things in your life.

Taking care of your own well-being requires selfishness

Everyone should place their own well-being among the most important things in life. Unfortunately, this does not happen for many, especially our mothers. Children’s well-being is always a priority, naturally. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the mother’s state of mind is also reflected in the children and ultimately affects the everyday life of the whole family.

Investing in your own well-being and creating new boundaries may seem challenging if it has been completely forgotten before. However, taking care of yourself is healthy selfishness and has a positive effect on other family members as well. So take another look at your own world of values ​​and make time for yourself in your everyday life.

Sleep problems easily become chronic, so you should see a doctor for particularly difficult and prolonged sleep problems.