Exercise increases well-being and for many it is a natural part of everyday life. Children are encouraged to exercise from an early age and exercise is also part of the curriculum. Social media is flooded with fast-paced workout guidelines that allow mothers living in peak years to perform a variety of workouts at home while multitasking around four other things.

But how many remember to train their minds?

The mind is one of the most important things in your body, and having it properly has a real meaning in your life. If your mind is not in order, it affects your well-being in particular, but it probably also affects the lives of your family and other people close to you. So why not start training your mind too?


The overriding idea in practicing the mind is to strive to calm the stressful hustle and bustle inside your head, accept throbbing thoughts, and deepen your presence and thus increase your well-being. Achieving this requires regular training, just like muscles.

Learn to get rid of the feeling of hurry

Everyday life with a family of children can be stressful and exhausting – especially if the nights are also intermittent. Your body and mind will not have time to recover and calm down. The rush seems to be present constantly and that’s what raises stress levels.

Have you ever thought that if hurry is just an idea and an emotional state got inside and you can learn to get rid of it?

A typical situation of a family with children in a hurry is everyday mornings. The kids get excited about getting dressed and come up with all the tricks in the world just when you’re already in a hurry for kindergarten or school. Of course, it is advisable to stay on schedule, but if you are late, there is no other thing in a pounding hurry. The children will feel your nervousness and getting worse will become even more difficult in the worst case.

Your everyday life is guaranteed to become more pleasant as you practice getting rid of the feeling of hurry. It works when you really internalize that the feeling of hurry doesn’t make things better.

Start regular mind training

Many of us have a place or sight where the mind calms down and a feeling of well-being takes over the body. This can be, for example, staring at the sea or a fire, camping, moving in nature or even a certain place at home. You should start striving for the peace that prevails in your mind every day and practice achieving it with the power of thought alone, without your own place of power.

There are a huge number of options for practicing mind control, and everyone will surely find something they like. Nowadays, there are also a lot of guided meditation exercises and yoga classes, if you need a group around you or more detailed instructions.

Here are a few tips for an exercise that will get you started and that you can do even on the bus on the way to work!

  • Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and just focus on breathing. You can consciously deepen and calm your breathing, so your body starts to relax.
  • Start with two minutes and gradually increase the time to suit you.
  • Thoughts burst into your mind about that, but don’t let it bother you. Don’t get stuck in your thoughts but get your focus back on your breathing. You can imagine in your mind a sky with clouds flying; clouds are your thoughts that come and go with the wind, but you don’t have to do anything in front of them now.
  • Repeat daily 1-2 times.
  • When calming down and concentrating on breathing is easy, you can give more attention to your emerging thoughts and feelings. Look at these thoughts and feelings curiously and openly, don’t judge or try to block them. Remember to treat your thoughts and feelings kindly and graciously as you would if they were thoughts shared by a friend. This will help you get to know yourself and gradually understand your thoughts and patterns of action.

Regular calming down and practicing mind control are believed to have significant positive effects in terms of health, improving concentration and especially mental well-being. Give a little moment every day just to yourself because you deserve it!