The handbag is the most practical accessory among fashion accessories. In addition to reflecting our style, it is used to store all the essentials.

A handbag is the most practical accessory among fashion accessories. As well as being a reflection of our style, it also serves to store all the essentials. But carrying the perfect handbag is a skill that must be mastered, otherwise the contents will soon become a complete mess. To avoid a mess in your handbag, we are going to reveal the secrets of a well-equipped handbag according to its size and the occasion. Discover with us the essentials that you should carry in your handbag so that nothing is missing!

What to carry in your bag according to its size

The size of the bag will determine which are the essential items that we can carry. It is not the same to carry a large shopper than a small party bag . We must choose the basics well and not sin by filling the bag with objects that in the end we are not going to use and that bother us to easily find what we need at any given moment. Therefore, we give you some ideas of what to carry in the bag according to the size you choose.


What to carry in a large bag

Large bags are very practical for everyday use, as they allow us to carry many things that can be useful at any time. However, they also have a drawback: accumulating unnecessary objects that make the bag heavy and make it more difficult to organize its contents. Therefore, the first rule for large bags is to check it frequently and take out everything that you are not going to use on a daily basis. If you are having trouble deciding, review our list of tips to keep the essentials for everyday when carrying a large bag:

  • Purse or wallet : This is the basic item that no bag should be without. Although it is true that we rarely pay in cash, it is always advisable to carry some cash when we leave the house. Make sure you carry your cards, ID and other important documents that you may need, such as your driver’s license. Large bags allow you to carry attractive wallets , in which you can keep all your documents organized.
  • Keys : Another essential item to carry in your bag , no matter the size, is your house keys. Obviously! We recommend putting a large key ring on it so you can easily find them in your bag. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to get into your house and having to empty your bag to find your keys. Oh, and don’t forget your car keys!
  • Mobile : We often carry our mobile phone in our hand due to the constant use we give it. But if you have chosen a large bag, take advantage of it to store the mobile phone and have your hands free. We recommend carrying it in an inside pocket of the bag so that the screen does not get scratched or putting a protective glass on it.
  • Hygiene kit : If you have a large bag, you can bring a small kit with basic hygiene products that will come in handy if you plan to spend the whole day away from home. Bring tissues, hand cream, lip balm and hand sanitizer.
  • Makeup : If your bag size allows and you like to touch up your makeup throughout the day, add a makeup bag. You don’t need to bring all your beauty products, just choose the basics like concealer, blush and lipstick. Do you have small samples? They’ll come in handy to keep in your bag.
  • Water and snacks : It never hurts to have water on hand and some healthy snacks in case you get hungry between meals. Add a small bottle of water and a cereal bar, nuts or fruit chips to get you through the day.

You can carry as many essentials as you can fit in your large bag. But remember to always keep everything well organized in separate cases to avoid chaos and damage to your belongings. Don’t fill it with accessories that are too heavy if you’re going to be out all day. Try to be as comfortable as possible.

What to carry in a small bag

what to carry in a small bag

Small bags have their charm and are ideal for special occasions such as a party, a wedding or a date. But they also pose a logistical challenge. That’s why you have to choose carefully what to carry in your bag and what to leave at home.

The first thing to do is to replace your wallet with a small purse , such as the Coccinelle purse, in which you can store cash and essential cards (always include your ID). Remove the key ring from your keys and keep only the ring and the pieces that you really need. Are you going to use the mailbox key, the storage room key, and the bike lock key today? Try to always carry your mobile phone in your bag, no matter how small it is. If this is not possible, keep it in a safe pocket in your jacket or pants so you don’t lose it. These are the essentials, now it’s time to choose the extras according to the size of the bag, your preferences, and the occasion. If you’re wondering what to take in your bag to a wedding , we recommend some kind of miniature makeup and a small sewing kit. You never know! If you’re going to spend many hours away from home, give priority to practical items such as tissues, wet wipes, or disinfectant gel.