The skin of the hands is often not taken care of or remembered enough. However, the skin of the hands takes a lot of stress and needs the same care as the rest of the skin. Tearing cuticles and nails or dry skin can even be painful and expose harmful bacteria to the body.

Even small things can have a significant effect on the well-being of the skin on your hands and prevent nasty skin changes. Be sure to protect the skin of your hands: protective gloves when using chemicals, warm gloves in cool and cold weather, and so on.

In addition to protection, it is a good idea to take care of your hands regularly. For example, weekly or a couple of times a month.

With these three points, you can make a hand treatment for yourself:

1. Shortening and shaping of nails
2. Treatment of cuticles
3. Moisturization of the skin

Let’s take a closer look at these:

1. Nail shortening and shaping

Cutters do no good to your nails. They easily break the top layer of the nail and cause e.g. nail flaking. The best way is to cut your nails with nail scissors. Do not cut too short. There are many different types of nail scissors and it is worth investing in good scissors as they are very long lasting.

Shaping is done after cutting the nails. Of course, if the nails have a length that you want to keep, you can skip cutting and just shape the nails with a file.

Remember: the best way to protect your nails is to file with only parallel strokes. Not back and forth by sanding. Choose the file roughness according to the thickness of the nails: for thin and fine nails a glass file, for normal sandpaper a file and for a thick metal file.

Treatment of cuticles

It is advisable to treat the cuticles after a shower / sauna to soften the cuticles. You can also take a bath in your hands (even a gentle skin soap can be used as a bath), for example in a small bowl where you hold your fingertips for a few minutes until the cuticles are soft.

After this, the cuticles can be gently pushed away from the top of the nail with the help of an orange stick. Ripe cuticles can be cut off with scissors. Never remove all the cuticles, even though this is often recommended – the function of the cuticle is to be on the edge of the nail to protect the nail.


Cuticles can be moisturized with cuticle oil. Hand skin cream.

You can use a thinner fast-absorbing cream during the day, a thicker, more caring cream at night. Cotton gloves after applying the cream are handy.

If the skin of the hands is so dry that applying the cream stings, change the cream to a more oily one. The burning sensation is caused by the water contained in the cream, so a more oily cream does not sting in the same way.

So here are the most important things about basic hand care. If your hands are in really bad shape, intensive care can be a great help. Beauty salons often offer hand treatments that can be combined with other treatments, for example, if you don’t want to go for hand treatments alone – which is also really nice and relaxing. ?