Autumn is undoubtedly a fabulous time to travel. First of all, because it is a season in which nature undergoes a particularly beautiful process of renewal. The leaves of the trees turn brown and fall to the ground, creating landscapes that are impossible to see during the rest of the year. But, in addition, the climate becomes cooler and leaves behind the hot temperatures of summer. For this reason, we have selected the 10 perfect destinations for this autumn.

Nor can we forget that, in autumn, the influx of tourists in many parts of the world is much lower than in summer. This will allow you to enjoy your vacation in a calmer and more peaceful way. There will be nothing that you do not want to visit for fear of finding long lines of tourists who have had the same idea as you.

For its part, autumn is also a time of traditional festivities. Do not forget that, in many places, during the winter the harvest of certain types of food takes place, which are the main livelihood of locations of great interest. Events that have endured over time and that, today, have an incalculable cultural value. So if you plan to travel this fall, pay attention.



From October 1, 2022, any tourist can visit Japan without the need for a special visa and without restrictions due to health issues. In addition, the temperatures that its capital experiences during this time of year are the most appropriate to get to know it in depth.

To give you an idea, in October, temperatures range between 19-23ºC during the day and 14-18ºC at night. In summer, respectively, they are between 23-28 ºC and 18-21 ºC. A difference that greatly facilitates visits to its main enclaves of interest and night rest.

It should be remembered that Tokyo is a city of contrasts. On the one hand, skyscrapers mark its urban landscape. Among them stands out the Tokyo Skytree, a telecommunications tower inaugurated in 2012 and which reaches 634 meters high. It has a viewpoint located 450 meters high that you can reach in less than a minute thanks to its ultra-fast elevator.

On the other hand, we must mention its temples. The best known of all is the Sensoji temple, which is also the oldest in the city. In any case, if you don’t know where to travel this fall, we can assure you that this is a safe bet. Undoubtedly, the best time of the year to enjoy Japanese culture, sushi and architecture.


Italian Tuscany has a typical Mediterranean climate. This means that the summers are very humid and hot and that the winters are quite cold and rainy. Therefore, spring and, above all, autumn are the best times to get to know its territory in depth.

Without a doubt, the star gastronomic product of Tuscany is wine. Do you know what is the moment in which the harvest begins to be harvested, which will allow the elaboration of more quantity next year? Indeed, in the fall. This means that during this time of year a wide variety of events dedicated to this drink are held, as well as the rich local cuisine.

The best known festivities that do not have to do with wine are related to chestnuts. The chestnut groves of Amiata and the path known as the Path of the Candied Chestnuts of Marradi, in Mugello, deserve special mention. Nor can we forget the white truffle markets that are held in this town. If you like gourmet cuisine, here you can taste the typical Florentine steak, fresh handmade pasta dishes and unique cheeses.

In addition, the natural landscapes of Tuscany become especially beautiful during the autumn. You will verify this by taking a simple walk through the forests of the Casentino. The brown color of the foliage of the trees will overwhelm you.

Tuscany, Italy


In autumn, the Netherlands in general, and Amsterdam in particular, are in the middle of the low season. This makes it possible to find affordable prices to visit its territory and get to know its main points of interest. In addition, the minimum temperatures are, on average, between 2 ºC and -2 ºC , while the maximum oscillate between 16 ºC and 24 ºC. In a place with such an index of relative humidity like this, they are not bad at all.

In any case, Amsterdam looks especially radiant during the fall. In fact, its great variety of natural spaces give the city a special tone that contrasts radically with the gray of the sky . In addition, the influx of tourists is much lower than in summer and spring, which will allow you to enjoy its monuments and museums with much greater peace of mind.

We are talking, for example, of the Van Gogh Museum, the Rijksmuseum or the Anne Frank House, which at other times of the year are extraordinarily crowded. The same can be said about the Heineken Experience or the Rembrandt House Museum. Do not miss the opportunity to take a pleasant walk through the Vondelpark and take the classic photo with the letters of the city without anyone bothering you.

Amsterdam as one of the 10 perfect destinations for this fall


Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, has a reputation for being a very cold city. However, during the fall, it’s not as much as you might expect. It is extremely rare that, for example, they drop below -2ºC during the day and -8ºC at night. However, it is also common that, respectively, they can reach 23 ºC and 14 ºC . Much more tolerable and pleasant figures.

However, there is another factor that you should take into account. We talk, of course, about daylight hours. In October, the figure is around 10 hours of light per day, while in November it is reduced to approximately 7 and a half hours.

Therefore, in autumn it is still very possible for you to enjoy the city without being hindered by the snow and enjoying relatively long days. Undoubtedly, the best time of the year to enjoy the lanterns that illuminate it, its ocher tones, its smells and its sunsets.

The Royal Palace of Stockholm and the Drottningholm Palace, as well as the Vasa, Fotografiska and Museet museums are some of its main points of interest. You will be able to enjoy them with the greatest peace of mind at this time of year, and for this reason we consider it one of the 10 perfect destinations for this autumn.

Stockholm, Sweden


The Piedmont region is located in northern Italy. A place that, during the winter months, is characterized by extremely cold temperatures, but in autumn they are much more pleasant. On average, they are between 7º C and 18 ºC , which allows you to get to know its most important cities and its most beautiful natural landscapes with enough comfort.

The latter is especially important, since Piedmont boasts some of the most beautiful Italian scenery during the autumn season. In addition, this time of year is the most appropriate to enjoy a typical delicacy of the area that is known worldwide. We talk, of course, about the truffle.

Do not miss the Piedmont Autumn Foliage Train either, whose itinerary is 52 kilometers long and which will give you the chance to see the natural landscapes of this area of ​​Italy during the time when they look most spectacular.

Piedmont, Italy


The first thing you should keep in mind is that this city is located in the southern hemisphere and, therefore, its seasons are opposite to those we enjoy in the northern hemisphere. That is, when it is winter here, it is summer there, and vice versa. Therefore, if you choose autumn as the time to travel, in this South African city you will find that it is spring.

For example, during the month of November and until approximately the month of April, the maximum temperatures do not exceed 26 ºC , which is due to the light winds that the region usually experiences. In addition, during the night, the average is 13 ºC. Nor can we forget to tell you that in November it rains, on average, three days. Without a doubt, Cape Town is a spectacular city to set up your base camp and, later, discover the natural landscapes that surround it.

These are its greatest attractions and are inhabited by a unique biodiversity in the world. We want to give special to Table Mountain National Park. Many of the plant species that live in it flourish between the months of September and November. Another important aspect to take into account: autumn is one of the cheapest times to travel to South Africa.

Cape Town is one of the 10 perfect destinations for this autumn


Flights to Saint Lucia, an island paradise in the Caribbean Sea, are affordable during the fall, as is the case with Cape Town. The same can be said about their accommodation, which is also cheaper. The influx of tourists is infinitely less.

The temperatures on this island are quite warm during the fall months. Specifically, they oscillate between 23 ºC and 29 ºC throughout the day, which is due to its tropical climate. It is true that, in November, it rains an average of 18 days, but the risk of suffering a hurricane is practically non-existent.

Having said this, it is worth reviewing the attractions of this beautiful Caribbean island, which stands out, first of all, for its fabulous beaches. In them it is common to practice water sports such as, for example, diving with and without a cylinder. Although, if this activity is your passion, but you don’t feel like coming here, don’t forget to take a look at this article where you will find the best destinations for diving .

In any case, Santa Lucía is full of beautiful fishing villages where you can savor the best of its gastronomy and mountains and forests to go hiking. Its geothermal waters, which have healing and cosmetic properties, deserve special mention.

In addition, October is Creole Heritage month on the island, which translates into a multitude of local artistic expressions. It will not be unusual for you to walk down the street and find music, dance and theater shows that celebrate the ethnic and cultural heritage of Saint Lucia, and for this reason it is one of the 10 perfect destinations for this fall.

Saint Lucia, Caribbean


Surely, on some occasion, you have heard of the Northern Lights. In fact, if you are a travel enthusiast, we would not be surprised if you had traveled to northern Europe with the purpose of seeing it with your own eyes. However, for many Europeans the aurora australis is not so well known. A very similar phenomenon, but that takes place in the southern hemisphere. Without a doubt, Tasmania is the perfect place to contemplate it.

Here they are known as “southern lights” and can be seen throughout the year. Ideal conditions are found in Cockle Creek, the southernmost point of the country that can be reached by car. Also, here it is possible to camp without any problem, which is another point in its favor.

On the other hand, this region located in South Australia occupies a land area of ​​60,000 square kilometers! Virtually all of them are natural landscapes. The Tasmanian Devil also resides here, a marsupial that inspired Robert McKimson when creating Taz, one of the most emblematic characters of Looney Tunes.

Regarding the weather, the maximum temperatures during the day usually oscillate between 11ºC and 27ºC , depending on the meteorological conditions in question. Likewise, during the night, they fluctuate between 3 ºC and 17 ºC. As you can see, autumn is a great time to travel to South Australia.

Tasmania as one of the 10 perfect destinations for this autumn


Spending part of the fall in the United States is, without a doubt, a very interesting option. Here we want to talk about Colorado, a region marked by wild nature. In this sense, surely the Rocky Mountain National Park comes to mind , which is the place for which it has become famous worldwide.

However, he is not the only one worthy of a special mention. This is the case, for example, of the Guanella Pass mountain pass , which is very popular among lovers of climbing and hiking. The same is true of the beautiful town of Breckenridge, in Summit County. It is the preferred place to stay for ski lovers. We cannot forget the Arapahoe Park either. In it you can enjoy incredible horse races.

But what is the weather like in Colorado in the fall? It is very rare that, during the day, they drop below 0 ºC or rise above 28 ºC. Likewise, at night, it is also very rare for them to exceed 13 ºC or to drop below -13 ºC.

Colorado, United States


It is clear that summer is the high season in Iceland. Tourists take advantage of the hottest months of the year to enjoy a country whose climate is quite cold. However, autumn is a very interesting time as well. Although many do not know it, their daily temperatures fluctuate between 0ºC and 10ºC during this time.

What is clear is that, during the autumn, this island has a special color. Especially at night. This is the perfect place to experience the Northern Lights, especially in early November. The Iceland Airwaves festival is held on those dates. During its course, local artists gather for three days to celebrate spectacular concerts.

iceland in autumn


Traveling having previously taken out insurance is very important. A policy that covers the main risks that you may suffer during your holidays abroad will give you a lot of peace of mind.

Mondo travel insurance covers :

  • Cancellations and travel delays. Therefore, if something unforeseen arises that prevents you from traveling, this cancellation policy will refund the money you have paid to date in terms of accommodation, excursions, plane or train tickets, etc.
  • Medical expenses. With a maximum limit of 5 million euros. In addition, this figure includes the services of emergency medical units, specialists, hospitalization, intervention, drug treatments and surgical interventions.

The latter is especially important, since any accident or illness during the trip can cost you several thousand euros in medical attention. So, if you are determined to go on vacation this autumn to any of the destinations that we have just proposed, do not hesitate. Take out insurance in Mondo and enjoy the greatest peace of mind.

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