Nowadays, we are told to declutter the home and clean the cupboards of everything unnecessary. Let’s talk about how you shouldn’t jam cupboards full of food that is getting old, but buy only what you need, the kind that will actually be eaten.

However, in recent weeks, with the infection caused by the COVID-19 virus, a lot has also been eroded from the home stock that should be found in every home. So, in the name of protecting yourself from the coronavirus, should you start building your own underground bunker and equip it with lined cans?

What is home equity?

Home storage is self-sustaining, anticipating a changing situation, and means storing food and water found at home. Household goods are part of the household’s recommended recommendation, ie a sufficient amount of food should be reserved for the home to survive at least 72 hours, ie three days, without leaving home. However, it is worth remembering that the purpose of a home asset is to create peace of mind, not cause additional stress.


Home stock does not mean a pile of canned goods packed in a box and kept under the bed in case of a bad day. Modern household goods are rather a well-equipped kitchen dry goods cabinet. So the purpose is to use the products and buy new ones to replace them according to use, in which case the dates of the products remain up to date and food hoarding is at a reasonable level. Unnecessary waste should be avoided, so the cupboard should be stocked with food items that are otherwise used in normal everyday life.

A good home supply also includes a few other products in addition to basic foodstuffs. These include, among other things, essential medicines, hygiene supplies and diapers, as well as a flashlight, twine candles and batteries.

Why should you have home equity?

Home assets can be needed in many different situations, personal and social. The most common cause is probably, for example, normal seasonal flu. As a flu, a business trip isn’t tempting, so it’s great if the food you find at home survives in a few days.

In addition to personal reasons, home assets may be needed in situations of social disruption. There may be problems with the distribution of electricity or water, or various disruptions in the distribution of goods and services. It is not uncommon for the use of tap water to be banned for a moment or for the elderly to get congested in getting home help. In addition, the weather may be affected by weather events or an accident in the vicinity.

While household wealth has been a lot on the surface lately, it’s not just about the situation around us right now. It’s not just about being protected from the virus but part of good housekeeping in general.

Today’s developed society with its home delivery services makes a lot possible, so depending on the emergency, it is not impossible to fill in the missing home assets. This is why panic hoarding and wasting food is silly, and by no means appropriate.

So building a bunker is worth forgetting and focusing on supplementing your existing dry matter cabinet with a few extra packs of macaroni, porridge and spring water.