Basic hand treatment with nail polish:

 The student in question has normal nails and skin. In places there is also dryness. There were differences in the length of the nails between the nails. Cuticles were very dry, but not broken. There are no self-care habits. The goal of the treatment was to moisturize the cuticles and skin.

Plan: nail design -> bath approx. 10 minutes -> nail and cuticle care -> hand massage -> nail beautification: polishing 

Some of the nails were really short and it was difficult to work on them. Otherwise, no major challenges were found in the work. I think I did well overall! I got the cuticles cleaned and moisturized, which you can see from the pictures below.



As a home care guide, I recommend using hand cream and cuticle oil, preferably for daily use. I also raised the issue of protecting my hands from cold air and chemicals.

Basic hand care with varnish:

In the initial situation, it was noticed that the structure of the nails was normal, but some flaking was also noticeable. Flaking can be caused by e.g. dryness or stress on the nails. Dryness and breakage were found in the cuticles. The cuticles had partially grown over the nails, so the use of cuticle water in this treatment was important. The skin of the hands was also dry. Occasional use of cuticle oil and moisturizing cream as self-care habits. The goal in this hand treatment was to make the nails beautiful and moisturize the skin and cuticles.

Plan: shaping nails -> cuticle water -> bath approx. 10 minutes -> removal of cuticle water -> care of nails and cuticles -> hand massage -> nail beautification: varnish

The hand care was perfect and the cuticles were cleaned and the skin well moisturized. The varnish didn’t turn out as evenly as I would have liked, so I wasn’t so happy with that. More practice here then!



As home care recommendations, I gave the regularization of existing self-care habits.