Choose the texture of foundation adapted to your skin

As you probably know, foundation can have different textures : creamy, liquid, powder or mineral. The texture is not chosen at random and you must base yourself on your skin type to make this choice:


  • If you have dry skin, use a moisturizing formula  that will provide a satiny and luminous effect;
  • If you have oily skin, prefer a mattifying formula that will provide a velvety, matte finish. Do not neglect the hydration of your face, you simply have to opt for a less rich cream so as not to accentuate the oily tendency of your skin.

Clinique Even Better foundation has a rather creamy liquid texture and is therefore particularly suitable for dry to combination skin. It contains SPF15 protection which protects the skin from the sun and prevents premature aging, a sine qua none condition in a foundation for me!


Your foundation is also chosen according to the coverage you want to obtain: light, medium or more total. The creamy or fluid texture will be the most covering and will best hide imperfections or redness without causing a “mask effect”.

Clinique’s Even Better foundation evens out the complexion perfectly and what I like is that its texture allows you to work on the complexion in several stages to modulate the coverage as needed. Let me explain: I first apply it all over my face evenly with a brush or a beauty blender and then I reuse material locally with my finger if I need to hide an imperfection or redness . Flawless dyed result 🙂

Find the shade that suits you best

The ideal shade of foundation will ALWAYS be the one that most closely matches your skin tone so that the foundation is invisible. If we don’t suspect that you’re wearing foundation, it’s a good sign 🙂

Rosy complexion or golden complexion?

I learned the difference between rosy complexion and golden complexion relatively recently and never realized that such a distinction existed until then. In order to choose the shade of foundation that will suit you best, you must absolutely identify whether your complexion tends towards pink (we speak of “rosy complexion”) or towards yellow (we speak of “golden complexion”) . To find out, it’s quite simple:


  • If you tan easily, you have a golden complexion . The foundation colors that will suit you best are those that will bear the name “golden beige”;
  • If you blush easily, you have a rosy complexion . The colors of foundation that will suit you best will be those that will carry the designation “rosy beige”;
  • It’s entirely possible (even if it’s rare) that your complexion has both tones . In this case, you have a rather neutral complexion and the foundations that will suit you best are “neutral beiges”.

Be aware that not all make-up brands offer a range of foundations that are both pink AND gold at the same time, it’s even quite rare! The  Clinique Even Better foundation is available in both “golden beige” (identified by the letters WN “warm natural”) and “rosy beige” (identified by the letters CN “cool neutral”). The 52 shades offered by the range are evenly divided between golden and pink, multiplying your chances of finding the truly perfect shade for you 🙂

For my part, I discovered that I had a rosy complexion 2/3 years ago and it was a revelation! I realized that until then I was wearing a foundation that was not perfectly suited to my skin, which explained my perpetual feeling of never finding the ideal shade !

At Clinique, I wear the Ivory CN shade which goes perfectly with my natural skin color, zero demarcation!

Test your foundation!

Beyond these few tips, to find the ideal shade, there is no secret: you have to test! So go to a perfumery or shop and ask for samples of several shades if you doubt the perfect shade. 🙂

However, beware of received ideas: you do not test a foundation on the back of your hand or in the hollow of your wrist! These two areas are not the same color as our face and it is misleading to experiment there! To have the most faithful rendering possible, you must apply your sample to the lower part of your face (on the jawline for example). Wait until it has penetrated well and expose yourself to natural light so that the result is not distorted by artificial light!